Our People

Our People

Core Team

The core team of the organisation is comprised of 9 members in total, two employees and seven volunteer members, and is supported by the programme assistant. We take decisions and develop activities together. We also operate the activities of the organisation.Through continuing education, we expand our skill-set to strategic planning, systemic coaching, organisational development, community organizing and conflict transformation. This is done to improve the quality of our work, and also to ensure our own growth.

Aleksandar Bojić
Andrea Zsigmond
Erzsébet Lajos
Jelena Kodić
Jovana Lopičić
Liljana Šotra
Nataša Zrnić
Nemanja Đoković
Nenad Lukić
Vanja Brcan


Our pool of facilitators and trainers consists of individuals committed to empowerment of individuals. Our learning methods rely greatly on non-formal and informal education, civic involvement and experiential learning. Several members of our pool are the former participants of Balkans, let’s get up! who went on to develop further through capacity building modules provided by our programme partner, Theodor-Heuss-Kolleg. Majority of the core team members also belongs to this pool.

Anne Wiebelitz
Ivana Kiprijanovska
Octav Boban
Shenaj Zeneli
Silvena Garelova
Slav Georgiev


Mentoring is a type of relationship between people with different levels of experience. Its main goal is to enable learning and growth. In the frame of Balkans, let’s get up! Programme, it is the alumni of the programme who support the new participants through mentoring, coaching and counselling. The alumni provide guidance based on their own experiences, but are also given support from senior mentors. All of this enables a stronger and wider frame of support for participants and their projects.