Place: Albania Changemaker: Orlando Bakalli (ALB) This project is with and for children from the Roma minority, aged 6-7. It serves to increase the level of...
Author - Balkans Let's get up!
Place: Albania Changemakers: Dorina Idrizi (ALB) & Suada Myftari (ALB) There are some national and international organizations involved in the monitoring...
Place: Serbia Changemaker: Nenad Lukić (SRB) The aim of this project is to secure enough seedlings for locations which need it the most, for spaces were...
Place: Croatia Changemakers: Mirko Savković (HRV) & Vasil Bituni (ALB) Asylum seekers and illegal immigrants face significant obstacles in the process of...
Place: Bulgaria Changemakers: Tereza Nikolova (BGR) & Dimitar Dermendzhiev (BGR) We believe that the well-being of the environment, the communities and the...
Place: Bosnia and Herzegovina Changemakers: Vlasta Markovic (BIH), Semir Salihović (BIH) & Dinka Vehbić (BIH) Our mission is to motivate young people aged...
Place: Serbia Changemaker: Andrej Terečik (SRB) There are many schools with different ethnic groups in Vojvodina, and I want to work with kids in some of these...
Place: Bulgaria Changemakers: Spasiya Slavova (BGR) & Sophia Petrova (BGR) The project aims to attract children with different social backgrounds and unite...
Place: Bulgaria Changemakers: Slav Georgiev (BGR) & Bilyana Asenova (BGR) For years we have been witnessing the rapid urbanization in our neighborhood...
Place: Bosnia and Herzegovina Changemakers: Tsvetoslav Altanov (BGR), Luka Čuljak (BIH), Katarina Manojlović (SRB), Iva Tašić (SRB) & Catalina Tudor (ROU)...